
US and World Politics

The New York Times, Wall Street’s Mouthpiece

By Dr. Nayvin Gordon

“China’s Zero COVID Policy is Unsustainable,” was an opinion piece written in the New York Times (NYT), January 26, 2022, by two medical expert advisors to the government’s COVID-19 policy team, one of many NYT opinion pieces published over the last months denigrating China’s Zero COVID policy.1

Why does The NYT repeatedly insist that China abandon its two-year successful zero COVID policy?

Why has The NYT not once insisted that Taiwan’s two-year successful Zero COVID policy also be abandoned?

What drives the arrogant NYT, a major newspaper in one of the most COVID infected countries in the world, to criticize China a country that has suffered only 4,600 deaths while the U.S. has close to one million?

What is motivating scientists in the U.S. to demand that China give up on its Zero COVID strategy which has successfully saved millions of lives over the last two years, not only in China but also in Taiwan and Cuba?

Why are leading scientists and architects of U.S. policy to remove all public health mandates and allow the uncontrolled spread of COVID -19 lecturing us that Zero COVID policy is an unsustainable, losing strategy when it has been a winning strategy for two years?

Why declare that Zero COVID is unsustainable rather than seeking to expand this elimination strategy worldwide? Why would medical experts advocate mass infection, disease, and death? What would motivate such criminally negligent violations of medical ethics?

The experts who wrote “China’s Zero COVID Policy is Unsustainable” recently published an article stating, “there is limited long term immunity following infection or vaccination,” with COVID-19.2

Yet they maintain in their NYT opinion that Australia has “achieved strong immunity” using effective vaccines.3 This is clearly a false statement about strong immunity. Furthermore, it was primarily not vaccines but public health measures that kept the virus in check and once they were removed the case rate in Australia exploded in spite of high rates of vaccination. The example of Australia as “the road map that China can put into action” according to these “experts” is a catastrophic disregard for human life.

Why are governmental advisors trying so desperately to convince us of their irrational, unscientific, and deadly policy? Is the imperial U.S.A. promoting the idea that Zero COVID cannot be sustained when irrefutable evidence shows this to be false? Does the emperor have no clothes?

What allows medical and public health leaders, doctors, and scientists, who are sworn to “above all do no harm” to now advocate for the worldwide spread of the COVID pandemic? Has the leadership of the medical establishment turned from healers to complicit promoters of mass disease and death?

The answer to all these questions is given by the medical “experts” in their NYT opinion, “Inevitably this will have serious economic impacts for China, and for all of us, given the country’s position in the world economy.”

In other words, major U.S. corporations moved their factories to China to exploit cheap labor and secure massive profits. They have no intention of allowing any public health measure to interrupt the flow of their profits. Wall Street and their collaborating medical “experts” have made it clear, neither public health nor public safety will be allowed to stem the flow of profits. No matter how high the mountain of bodies, Wall Street will sleep soundly.

A new egalitarian society that puts the people’s health first is not only possible but imperative.

—January 30, 2022