
Table of Contents

U.S. and World Politics

The Refugee Crisis

Capitalism's War on the World

I'm a Ukrainian Socialist-Here's Why I Resist the Russian Invasion

How Russia's War Has Hit Ukraine's Roma People

Sri Lanka's Political and Economic Crisis

Pentagon Contractors in Afghanistan Pocketed $108 Billion

The Supreme Court Strips Us of Miranda Warnings

Fascists In Our Midst

Pandemics are Prosperity, Sickness is Health, Ignorance is Strength

A Pox on the House of Profit

Amazon Workers in Motion

Amazon's Disciplining Union Workers

Amazon Workers Protest New Jersey Death On the Job

Massachusetts Trader Joe's Becomes First to Unionize

The Truth

Crisis in Cuba Requires End of U.S. Blockade Now

No to Red-Baiting in the Reproductive Justice Movement

Imagining the Socialist Future on Earth and in the Solar System


Without Apology: The Abortion Struggle Now

What Is Class Struggle Unionism?

Incarceration Nation

U.N. Human Rights Legal Experts Call for Immediate Release of Leonard Peltier

Fighting for Reproductive Justice and Self-Determination in Post-Roe America

October 10: World Day Against the Death Penalty

"First Do No Good"

Half the Nation, Half Citizens

Albert Woodfox, Angola Three Warrior Passes

Assange Fights Extradition to United States with Two Appeals

FBI Attacks African People's Socialist Party

Letter to the Editors


Arsenal of Marxism

Freedom and Slavery: The Birth of Capital